Fantástica Bateria from Samba Toronto with accompany Albena’s Samba class and play live afterward for the neighbourhood to enjoy!
They are Canada’s premiere Brazilian Bateria ensemble, a professional group of drummers, instrumentalists, singers and dancers, who share a passion for Brazilian music, samba, above all! Their strong cultural connections to Brazil are the subject of filmmaker Avi Lev’s documentary film, 'We Are Samba' and they have released a CD together with sambista Chocolatte da Vila Maria, entitled A Fantástica Bateria de Chocolatte e Alan Hetherington.
The leader and musical director of the A Fantástica Bateria is percussionist and musical all-rounder Alan “Canadense” Hetherington a devotee of the Samba Enredo tradition of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo since 1989. At the receiving end of Hetherington’s knowledge is the Bateria's core, a percussion ensemble, with singers, musicians and dancers who have all been transformed by the power and beauty of samba.
*This event is free for participants thanks to the support of Arts in the Parks Toronto.